Sunday, 28 June 2015

Sex - sexual intercourse

The word "Sex" means; the process through which the male and female organisms combine and mix genetic traits, often resulting in the forming of new living organisms which contains the chromosomes of both the male and the female.

During this process of sex (female and male having sexual intercourse), the male releases the sperm (seed or semen), whereas the female provides the ovum (ova, or egg cell) which is fertilized by the male's sperm.

Sex or Sexual reproduction is a process whereby organisms form offspring or give birth to offspring that combine genetic traits from both parents. sperm_and_ovum.jpg

Chromosomes are passed on from one generation to the next in this process. Each cell which is produced through the process of sexual intercourse gets the chromosomes of the mother and half of the father.

The Genetic traits of the produced offsprings are contained within the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of the chromosomes of the female and male.

In the mysteries of sex mysticism; sexual intercourse enables the male and the female to produce orgasmic energies.

In the perverted art of witchcraft called "sex magic", sex is used as a channel of casting witchcraft spells and a sexual reproduction of evil energies.
Article written by Ap Ngabo

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